Thursday, February 24, 2011

Logo Creation

 The most important discovery I learned from creating a logo is that I have somewhat of an imagination. I also learned that I have descent drawing skills. Additionally, the videos helped develop my ideas. I thought the videos gave a better understanding of how graphic designs are created. I think it is really interesting how some of these images evolved.

It was difficult trying to come up with a logo idea. I started off trying to create a logo for a plant nursery, hence the banana logo. I then came up with the idea to create a beer logo. I wanted to emphasize the town of Lewiston in the logo. Since Lewiston is a big boating community I chose to use an anchor in the design. I also used 1812 to signify the War of 1812 in the area. It was difficult trying to draw my ideas on paper. I first started out with a rectangular shaped logo, but I thought a circle would look more interesting. Also, I wanted to really emphasize the colors black and green in this logo.  I tried to make the logo look like a full moon in one of the sketches, but I messed it up. I am surprised at how my final logo came out.


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